To say that the month of June was a busy one for Performing Life would be an understatement. In addition the Circus Clases, our Educational Program, and family visits in the context of our Bracelet Program, Marye traveled to the Netherlands to represent Performing Life in a contest where we were selected as one of the three finalists. Unfortunately, we did not win the money, but Performing Life gained some great publicity! Marye was even invited to speak about Performing Life´s mission and achievements on a Dutch TV station! She also sold bracelets and CDs for the organization, making the trip more than worth it!
Back in Bolivia,
thanks to Fundación Alerta Verde, we now have two garden spaces in our satellite office in Montenegro. During a workshop the children received an extensive explanation on how to maintain their gardens. In addition to the vegetables the garden will produce, they also provide a great opportunity for the volunteers to give workshops in the Education Program on ecosystems, plant biology, and nutrition. Overall, it´s a great addition to our Montenegro office! Additionaly, like in May, the kids took part in a sexual education workshop, only this time organized by CUBE. Here, the children learned about the importance of respecting each other’s bodies and their right to control their own.  We have 4 new volunteers from the FSD organization: Jorge, Pieter, Camila and Danielle. June´s grand finale was the spectacular show that the children gave on World Juggling Day, the last Friday before vacation.

Check out the Newsletter of June 2015!